COVID-19 Update: For the Safety of our Valued Patients, Staff, and Community, We will be closed through May 17th.
Due to Washington Governor, Jay Inslee’s formal COVID-19 Restrictions on Non-Urgent Medical/Dental Procedures: “To curtail the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington State and to protect our health care workers as they provide health care services, it is necessary to immediately prohibit all hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, and dental, orthodontic and endodontic offices in Washington State from providing health care services, procedures and surgeries that require personal protective equipment, which if delayed, are not anticipated to cause harm to the patient within the next three months. This Proclamation shall remain in effect until May 18, 2020.”
If you are having a true dental emergency and are a patient of record, please call our office at 206-524-6100.
We will be checking messages intermittently during our closure.
Thank you for your patience and
understanding during this difficult time!